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1 Bilowgii waxaa jiray Ereyga, Ereyguna wuxuu la jiray Ilaah, Ereyguna wuxuu ahaa Ilaah. (John 1:1 Somali Bible)

This post is born of Code Mystic,Worded and Chosen by Kosmogonic(Post disappeared) which I re-pressed here yesterday.

The Mystic(al) Word that sprang to my mind is the very word WORD, especially in the Greek sense of Logos or Λόγος, because the poetry presented by kosmogonic consisted of such beautiful word strings I was set upon a search of the Word in other voices.

I settled for the Latin ‘Verbum’, Greek ‘Λόγος’ and Somali ‘Ereyga’, why Somali? A bit like Russian Roulette with the translator, once I had found it I googled it and quickly found the Bible project.

Reference to the ‘One’ with God and who is God as the Word is only discovered in the prologue of the Fourth Gospel which from the very beginning is immediate in stating that this Word was not just born today! But has always been it says – in my languages of choice:

“Bilowgii waxaa jiray Ereyga“,(Somali Bible)1

“In principio erat Verbum,”(vulgate)2

“Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος” (RP Byzantine Majority Text 2005)3

en archē ēn o logos (Byzantine Majority Text Transliterated 2000)3

This WORD was here in the Beginning, if God has a beginning.


At our disposal, in whatever language we communicate we have the seeds of God, for this Word gave birth to languages in humankind.

With the discovery of representational signs for these sounds, then etched in clay, scratched in stone, eventually typed or spoken into a P.C., Tablet or Laptop we gained the ability to communicate God with every syllable we uttered if we choose. Mostly though speaking and writing, conversation, takes place because we  need to speak or write or Sign to live and learn. Once daily needs are met then we have the time to lay out sacred Texts and History Books, plays and poetry, Dei verbum, our ergot, our modes of writing.

Each time we abuse Words in using them for illegitimate reasons we abuse God, even ,more seriously when we set them indelibly in ink for weak ones to stumble over – yet how often do we stop to check ourselves that the strings of syllables birthing upon our tongues are conceived of pure intentions.

There are times when we are not the pure in heart and intend our words to cut like the knife God’s Word truly is,  we do not consciously stop to think it but just as we separate the bone and flesh of others reputations so will that Word open us to the marrow and lay all our secrets  bare.

Or upon tripping off the tongue, that smallest member, do they join themselves with couplets of loving carefully all within their ken . They are the living seeds and we the soil and what we speak depends upon how deep we understand that to wound with words is to use God as a weapon.

Religion, Scripture have so often over the History of Church been used as weapons, God is used as a weapon to cow those in our public and private margins to boost our own righteousness, inverting God, returning His sacred words to the Word as we rewrite our own.

Next where do words come from – anyway

  1. Ereyga Masiix sameeyey jidhka – YOOXANAA 1. 2016. Ereyga Masiix sameeyey jidhka – YOOXANAA 1. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.wordproject.org/bibles/so/43/1.htm#0. [Accessed 02 February 2016].
  2. Latin Vulgate Bible with Douay-Rheims and King James Version Side-by-Side+Complete Sayings of Jesus Christ. 2016. Latin Vulgate Bible with Douay-Rheims and King James Version Side-by-Side+Complete Sayings of Jesus Christ. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.latinvulgate.com/. [Accessed 02 February 2016].
  3. John 1:1 Multilingual: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.. 2016. John 1:1 Multilingual: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.. [ONLINE] Available at: http://biblehub.com/multi/john/1-1.htm. [Accessed 02 February 2016].


  1. Reblogged this on Stepping Toes and commented:
    For getting to know what has gone wrong in the world and how we fit in this time system and could be able to change something we do have to go back to the beginning of beginnings. The Bereshith tells us how form nothing and chaos came order, just by the impeccable Word, the voice in the Void. It was that Word that resounded and brought everything into being.

    Later having become created in the image of God we too got the allowance to have the breath of us making sound and forming words. Every time we do speak we should remember that, in whatever language we communicate we have the seeds of God, for this Word gave birth to languages in humankind. for that reason we should also be very weary how we use our words and take heed that they are in accordance with the Will of God, following His Words.

    Let us cherish the living seed

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